**Posted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of subbukdg@gmail.com**
Very interesting and valuable initiative. It is interesting that you have listed the following as the needs:
• Are in-person...
**Posted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of subbukdg@gmail.com**
Very interesting and valuable initiative. It is interesting that you have listed the following as the needs:
• Are in-person...
**Posted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of hgross3@comcast.net (www.mathasasecondlanguage.com).**
Let me apologize in advance for what might...
**Posted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of barbkanter@gmail.com.**
I think you should make it easier to graduate in 3 years by offering classes during the summer. There would be lower...
**Posted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of dmaxwel3@tampabay.rr.com.**
I'm working on a memoir that deals partly with my very unpleasant year at MIT in the mid-1950s. My interest was in...
**Posted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of t.sheskin@csuohio.edu**
Have professors, not graduate students, teach undergraduate recitations that accompany lecture courses. Add the track,...
**Posted by the MIT Alumni Association on behalf of Kenneth Finn '67, MS '69**
The problem you will be facing, in addition to the concept of re-positioning M.I.T. for the future, will be the drag caused by the old faculty perceptions. Please...
**Posted by the MIT Alumni Association of behalf of alum Donn W. Barber**
As a 1942 graduate, it seems like a long time since I went to MIT. Even though I try to keep in touch, it is not the same , very simply because the current educational...
As we move toward creating effective online learning environments, we also need to be thinking about how the on-campus experience should change. The undergraduate experience is about many things, and not all of them are best learned online. It also...
At MIT , we have 3 types of courses. 1. Action learning (Project based courses ) 2. Discussion oriented (case based ) courses 3. Lecture based courses .
I would like EdX to evolve best strategies for with both these types of courses . I also...
By any plausible metric (tuition adjusted for inflation, ratio of tuition to family income, ratio of tuition to compensation for new MIT graduates), the cost of an MIT education has skyrocketed over the past generation. Yes, there is assistance for...